New annuals for 2018
Petunia x hybrida ‘Colorblitz Glow Blue Stardust’
Medium vigor petunia that blossoms into lush, bi-colour, flower-filled plants.
Grows to 20-25 cm tall and 41-56 cm wide. FloraPlant
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis ‘Ivory Wind’
Tropical hibiscus featuring a dark pink eye and yellow buds, which open into creamy white 4.75-in. blooms.
Aris Horticulture
Alternanthera brasiliana ‘Purple Prince’ Brasilian joyweed
The first compact seed joyweed, Purple Prince has ruby-rose undersides and stands tough in heat and humidity.
Grows 25-41 cm tall and 46-51 cm wide. PanAmerican Seed
Pentas lanceolata ‘Lucky Star’ Starflower
The Lucky Star series of pentas features vibrantly colored blooms on lush, full-looking plants. Common Name: Egyptian Starcluster, Starflower. The Lucky Star series are bred for the fastest follow-up blooming of any pentas on the market, according to PanAmerican Seed. Available in dark red, pink, deep pink, lavender, violet and white.
Grows 30-41 cm tall and 30-36 cm wide. PanAmerican Seed
Begonia interspecific ‘Megawatt Red Bronze Leaf’
Red Bronze Leaf joins the large, easy to grow Megawatt lineup for 2018.
Grows 51-71 cm tall and 41-61 cm wide. PanAmerican Seed
Pennisetum glaucum ‘Copper Prince’ Ornamental millet
Copper Prince begins as a light caramel colour, deepening to copper as it sends up rosy, foxtail-type panicles.
Grows 71-91 cm tall and 46-61 cm wide. PanAmerican Seed
Antirrhinum majus ‘Snapshot Appleblossom’ Dwarf garden snapdragon
Appleblossom is a clean white colour brushed with soft yellow and rose tones. The habit and timing match the other bicolours in the series Snapshot series of drawf garden snapdragon.
Grows 15-25 cm tall and 25-30 cm wide. PanAmerican Seed
Osteospermum ecklonis ‘Akila Grand Canyon Mixture’ African daisy
Grand Canyon Mix is the first multicolour segregating African daisy mix that includes yellow, magician-style blooms and rose-reds, as well as purple, lavender, creams and whites.
Grows 41-51 cm tall and 41-51 cm wide. PanAmerican Seed
Zinnia marylandica ‘Zahara Raspberry Ripple’
Raspberry Ripple is a new bicolour in the Zahara series of zinnia; its colour can vary under different environmental conditions, with cooler temperatures accentuating the rose and heat making the white more prevalent.
Grows 41-51 cm tall and wide. PanAmerican Seed
Viola x wittrockiana ‘Cool Wave Raspberry’ Spreading pansy
For 2018, Cool Wave adds Raspberry, a rich, velvety rosy-purple spreading pansy with white around its flower centre.
Grows 15-20 cm high and 61-76 cm wide. PanAmerican Seed
Phlox ‘Gisele Hot Pink’
Large flower clusters make a great presentation and fill landscapes with tons of color. The Gisele series also includes pink, light pink, light violet and white.
Selecta One
Dahlia hybrid Dalaya Yellow
The Dalaya series are medium-vigor beauties with excellent branching, exceptional habit and superior mildew resistance.
Selecta One
Petunia cultivars ‘Headliner Pink Sky’
The Headliner series of mounded petunia boasts early flowering and a fast finish with a dramatic colour range. The new Pink Sky blooms are primarily pink/rose with speckles of white/cream.
Grows 25-41 cm tall and 51-76 cm wide. Selecta One
Calibrachoa Neo Pink Strike Mini petunia
The large, early flowers of the MiniFamous Neo series offer a semi-trailing habit and medium vigour for basket or mixed displays. New Pink Strike brings an extra-large, punch-type eye to the series.
Selecta One
Osteospermum ecklonis ‘Daisy Falls’ Cape Daisy
Daisy Falls is a breakthrough series that grows and blooms as a traditional osteo on a more vigorous trailing frame. Available in Pink, Purple, and White Amethyst.
Selecta One
Calendula hybrida ‘Lady Godiva Orange’ English marigold
Its unique double, golden orange flowers have greatly reduced seed set which encourages blooming throughout the season.
Proven Winners
Impatiens x hybrida ‘SunPatiens Compact Purple’
Purple joins the Sunpatiens line, which is known for disease resistance, vibrant colour and easy garden success.
Petunia x hybrida ‘Success Yellow Chiffon’
New to the Success petunia series, Yellow Chiffon features light yellow blooms that don’t relax or fade.
Salvia farinacea ‘Farina Arctic Blue’ Sage
The Salvia Farina series have huge full flower spikes, which grow to 18-in. tall and hold their colour all season. Available in Arctic Blue, Bicolour Blue, Blue, Silver Blue, Violet, and White.
Plectranthus scutellarioides ‘Main Street Ruby Road’ Coleus
New to the Main Street coleus series, Ruby Road features a vibrant mix of hot pink, burgundy and chartreuse. The Main Street series also added La Rambla for 2018.
Dummen Orange