December 15, 2010

A total team effort created the Green for Life garden.
Call goes out to join garden build at Canada Blooms
By Tim Kearney CLP
The dictionary defines the word advocacy as, “Active support, especially the act of pleading or arguing for something.”
In approximately 130 days, we commence once again to build our industry garden at Canada Blooms. Hopefully, members far and wide will see the value and benefit in joining our industry team where we can leave a lasting impression on our most important ally, members of the public.
You see, without inspired consumers, we don’t have an industry. There is not one sector that wouldn’t be damaged if there was no Canada Blooms.
The mission statement for Canada Blooms is to “produce a world class annual flower and garden festival that celebrates the pleasures and benefits of horticulture and floriculture for the enjoyment of domestic and
international visitors.”
The mission statement of Landscape Ontario is “to be the leader in representing, promoting and fostering a favourable climate for the advancement of the horticulture industry in Ontario.”
Sometimes we look too far for answers to marketing questions, promotion and advertising. You need only look to that time in mid-March to see how lucky we all are to have the opportunity to “show off a bit.” If there is a knock I have of this industry, it is that we don’t beat our drums enough. We need some more bravado, more chutzpah, or quite frankly let’s show off because, we are the best.
Building a garden at Canada Blooms can be a company changer. Building a garden at Canada Blooms will be a most rewarding experience. Building a garden at Canada blooms…“the finest show in Canada” proudly declares you are one of the best.
Everyone brings their talent, drive and dedication to creating the LO garden.
Unfortunately, there is just not enough space for everyone to have their own garden at Canada Blooms. So, why not join our industry team? You will create friendships that will last a lifetime and build team chemistry in your own company. Choose a task (a piece of the garden if you will) and build it for us, your industry. In a small way, you start to build your legacy.
This industry is over-flowing with superstars, both big and small, near and far. All have a common thread. A thread coloured with passion. This year we’ve added another superstar to our line up. Haig Seferian is our design team leader and is complimented by last year’s superstar Beth Edney. It scares me to think what they will come up with, but at the same time it is exciting.
Our area this year at Blooms is bigger than last year, which was bigger than the year before, and on and on. This year our garden will sit proudly at the entrance to Canada Blooms. Visitors to this year’s Canada Blooms will be required to walk through our garden to get to the rest of the show. What a statement. Start with LO to get to the best!
In March of 2010, over 200 wonderful people from over 40 companies saw the value in what we do and wanted a small piece. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if those numbers doubled this year? Why not? After all…this is your industry. This is your festival. This is your chance to proudly declare who we are.
Am I an advocate of Canada Blooms? You’re damn right I am. But more importantly, I am an advocate of this industry. Every sector should be involved. Every Chapter should be there. We reach out to our many educational programs. They too are part of this. And of course, our partners from across Canada, through CNLA, are big supporters of Canada Blooms. Why not? When horticulture is promoted, it benefits the entire industry. After all, it is called Canada Blooms. There is absolutely no excuse.
Over the coming weeks and months, we will ask, plead, beg and perhaps demand of your help. Over the coming weeks and months, you will have ample opportunity to talk at Chapter meetings and Sector meetings. Tell them that you need to be involved. Talk to your staff and see if they want to work as a team at Canada Blooms. I would love to talk to you.
I may be contacted at Our staff contact is Denis Flanagan,
“The highest reward for a person’s toil is not what they get for it, but what they become by it.”
— John Raskin
Sponsorship, Gerry Ginsberg –
Magazine, Steve Moyer –
For general information, call 416-447-8655, or visit
The dictionary defines the word advocacy as, “Active support, especially the act of pleading or arguing for something.”
In approximately 130 days, we commence once again to build our industry garden at Canada Blooms. Hopefully, members far and wide will see the value and benefit in joining our industry team where we can leave a lasting impression on our most important ally, members of the public.
You see, without inspired consumers, we don’t have an industry. There is not one sector that wouldn’t be damaged if there was no Canada Blooms.
The mission statement for Canada Blooms is to “produce a world class annual flower and garden festival that celebrates the pleasures and benefits of horticulture and floriculture for the enjoyment of domestic and
international visitors.”
The mission statement of Landscape Ontario is “to be the leader in representing, promoting and fostering a favourable climate for the advancement of the horticulture industry in Ontario.”
Sometimes we look too far for answers to marketing questions, promotion and advertising. You need only look to that time in mid-March to see how lucky we all are to have the opportunity to “show off a bit.” If there is a knock I have of this industry, it is that we don’t beat our drums enough. We need some more bravado, more chutzpah, or quite frankly let’s show off because, we are the best.
Building a garden at Canada Blooms can be a company changer. Building a garden at Canada Blooms will be a most rewarding experience. Building a garden at Canada blooms…“the finest show in Canada” proudly declares you are one of the best.

Unfortunately, there is just not enough space for everyone to have their own garden at Canada Blooms. So, why not join our industry team? You will create friendships that will last a lifetime and build team chemistry in your own company. Choose a task (a piece of the garden if you will) and build it for us, your industry. In a small way, you start to build your legacy.
This industry is over-flowing with superstars, both big and small, near and far. All have a common thread. A thread coloured with passion. This year we’ve added another superstar to our line up. Haig Seferian is our design team leader and is complimented by last year’s superstar Beth Edney. It scares me to think what they will come up with, but at the same time it is exciting.
Our area this year at Blooms is bigger than last year, which was bigger than the year before, and on and on. This year our garden will sit proudly at the entrance to Canada Blooms. Visitors to this year’s Canada Blooms will be required to walk through our garden to get to the rest of the show. What a statement. Start with LO to get to the best!
In March of 2010, over 200 wonderful people from over 40 companies saw the value in what we do and wanted a small piece. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if those numbers doubled this year? Why not? After all…this is your industry. This is your festival. This is your chance to proudly declare who we are.
Am I an advocate of Canada Blooms? You’re damn right I am. But more importantly, I am an advocate of this industry. Every sector should be involved. Every Chapter should be there. We reach out to our many educational programs. They too are part of this. And of course, our partners from across Canada, through CNLA, are big supporters of Canada Blooms. Why not? When horticulture is promoted, it benefits the entire industry. After all, it is called Canada Blooms. There is absolutely no excuse.
Over the coming weeks and months, we will ask, plead, beg and perhaps demand of your help. Over the coming weeks and months, you will have ample opportunity to talk at Chapter meetings and Sector meetings. Tell them that you need to be involved. Talk to your staff and see if they want to work as a team at Canada Blooms. I would love to talk to you.
I may be contacted at Our staff contact is Denis Flanagan,
“The highest reward for a person’s toil is not what they get for it, but what they become by it.”
— John Raskin
Contact information for Canada Blooms
Exhibiting, Gilles Bouchard – gbouchard@landscapeontario.comSponsorship, Gerry Ginsberg –
Magazine, Steve Moyer –
For general information, call 416-447-8655, or visit