September 7, 2016
The obsolete pesticide collection and disposal program is free to participate in. Farmers and other end users of target products are encouraged to bring in any agricultural or turf pesticide and/or livestock and equine medications (but no needles/sharps) into one of the designated ag-retail collection locations during the September 20-30, 2016 collection period. A licensed waste hazardous waste hauler will safely manage the products and send them for environmentally responsible disposal via high temperature incineration.

The obsolete collection program is funded by the plant science industry and members of the Canadian Animal Health Institute ( The obsolete collection program is typically delivered in each region of the country every three years.

The last time the obsolete collection program was delivered in Ontario (2013) saw about 120,000 kgs of obsolete pesticide collected. To date, CropLife Canada/CleanFARMS have collected over 500,000 kgs of obsolete pesticide since the program was first delivered in 1998.

2016 marks the third program time that livestock/equine medications will be collected as part of the CleanFARMS program in Ontario.

Specific program information is also available on the CleanFARMS website at

View a list of free drop-off locations in Ontario.  

CleanFarms drop off days sept 2016