Omafra Nursery And Landscape Report
Mar 15, 2011
Equipment adjustment needed to reduce spray drift
It’s time to consider making changes for this year’s spraying season.

Feb 15, 2011
The brown marmorated stink bug really stinks!
The Ontario nursery and landscape sector has had its fair share of introduced, invasive pests.
Jan 15, 2011
Education events reveal new and improved methods
For years, we have tried to detect emerald ash borer (EAB). And for years, we have failed.
Sep 15, 2010
How is your water quality?
As we passed through the latter part of August, it was difficult not to wonder where all those summer rains went?

Aug 15, 2010
Potato leafhopper is a significant pest
The year 2009 was unprecedented for injury from potato leafhopper in Ontario nursery crops
Jul 15, 2010
Biocontrol is alive and growing
Highlights from the speaker program of the International Organization for Biological Control in the Americas.
Jun 15, 2010
Better management of black vine weevil with nematodes
When I started working with entomopathogenic nematodes to better understand their efficacy on nursery crops, we were working with various species of Steinernema and Heterohabditis megedis (H.m.).
May 15, 2010
Minor Use for outdoor ornamentals in Canada
An annual workshop in Ottawa helps to improve growers’ access to newer, safer pesticides in Canada.

Mar 15, 2010
Best practices in fungicide application
Crop diseases are caused by a variety of pathogens, but it’s the fungal pathogens that are the primary cause of crop loss worldwide.