March 15, 2014
Don Tellier continues to serve Windsor Chapter

Don Tellier
“I joined Landscape Ontario largely because of my former boss at St. Clair College, Ron Malkin. He was heavily involved as a board member during the inception years of Windsor Chapter, along with the other founding fathers in this area. There was no pressure to join, however, I just wanted to be part of this team that did so much with such a small group.”
Tellier has been involved in horticulture for almost 40 years. He began as as a technician on the grounds of St. Clair College in Windsor, later joining the teaching staff as a full-time member. He recently retired, but continues to be involved in Chapter activities.
Tellier began his volunteer time with the Chapter as a director, and soon took over a new role when a long-serving treasurer stepped down. “I volunteered for the position and have held it since,” says Tellier. He is now president of Windsor
Chapter, while continuing to serve as treasurer.
With many good memories created over the years with his work with the Windsor Chapter, the most recent one stands out for Don Tellier. “The Perry Molema Memorial Garden Build from fall of 2013 was an incredible effort by many member and non-member companies. Perry had touched so many people in such a positive way that support poured in from across the country. I must commend the efforts of Sasha Hunter and Chuck Catton for working so closely with our association and the community in making this garden a reality.”
There’s no hesitation from Tellier when he is asked what benefit he receives from his volunteer time. “Networking within the industry is so important for success. It is amazing what one can learn from your peers with simple conversation before or after a meeting. It is also rewarding to have given back to the community while promoting our Green for Life branding...It’s very important to me.”
When asked what improvements he would like to see in Landscape Ontario, Tellier says, “I think that the association is doing just fine under the direction of Tony (DiGiovanni) and the provincial board members. Keep up the good work.”
Tellier is also busy with the Landscape Industry Certified – Ontario committee. “We are in the midst of launching the South Western Ontario test site at Ridgetown College. This along with LO continues to keep me busy enough in my retirement years.”
Members of the Windsor Chapter very much hope that Don Tellier continues to keep giving not just his time, but also his expertise and character.