Embracing change
As I was beginning to write this article, I heard of the Queen’s death and immediately thought of the sadness this would cause many people. We were all very used to her presence… like an old friend, one filled with quiet determination, wisdom, humour and grace. What will we do without her?
With the changes this naturally brings, there is also a loss of history and perspective. Yes, there are books and the internet, but what will surely be missed is the longevity of human memories. Memories disappear with the individual and this results in change. We cannot hold on to what once was, because now, a different person brings forward their perspective. The same can be said for changes at Landscape Ontario.
Tony DiGiovanni, our fearless leader for more than 30 years retired in September. As Tony leaves, he takes with him his wisdom, insight and determination. Yet in doing so, Tony has made room for Joe Salemi to grow into his role as our new executive director with his own unique perspective and direction. Change brings forward its own set of challenges, but ultimately, it will lead to good things. I am certain that Landscape Ontario will continue to be governed by a strong, forward-thinking board of directors and staff will be led by a caring, compassionate, and future-driven leader in Joe.
Tony may have retired from Landscape Ontario, but I know he will continue to be a part of our wider professional landscape community through his continued involvement with Trees for Life, Canada Blooms, Toronto Botanical Garden and many other worthy causes and organizations. It seems Tony will be able to focus his interests on his passions with some terrific people.
In closing, I would like to take this opportunity to extend a heartfelt thank you to Tony for all he has done for us over the years. His warmth and commitment to the profession and the people in it has made it easy for us all to be part of Landscape Ontario.
As always, I welcome your questions and opportunities for further discussion. Please reach out to me at the email address below.