July 15, 2014
Georgian Chapter dealing with geography

Martha Walsh, communications coordinator for Georgian Lakelands chapter.
If you are the Georgian Lakelands Chapter, you hold meetings in three distinct areas. If you placed all other eight LO Chapter areas together and doubled it, it still would not come close to covering the vast expanse of land within the Georgian Lakelands Chapter boundaries.
Most LO Chapters hold monthly meetings in the same location to allow for a comfort level of consistency. This year, Georgian Lakelands Board of Directors has decided to host meetings in three areas within the Chapter’s boundaries. It is one way to address the vast geographic expanse. Meeting locations will include Barrie, Collingwood and Huntsville.
Another issue the Georgian Lakelands Board of Directors wanted to address was how to provide meetings for members who have to drive almost a day to reach the meeting site? This Chapter has a member in Fort Frances, which is 17.5 hours from Barrie. The solution was to use the latest information technology to benefit these members. The board of directors is working to create live streaming of meetings so that members from afar can actively participate.
Also new to the Georgian Chapter is Communications Coordinator Martha Walsh. She adds her new position to her duties as Coordinator for Ottawa Chapter and Manager of GreenTrade Expo since 2010. Walsh will work with the Board and event chairpersons to support them in the planning, organizing, promotion and participating in Chapter events.
Walsh is looking forward to working with the Georgian Lakelands board and members.
Sponsorships are available for meetings and events. For more information, contact Walsh at mwalsh@landscapeontario.com, or call 1-800-265 5656, ext. 2368.