October 15, 2015

A giant colouring board and wood carvings attracted a great deal of attention to the Landscape Ontario Durham Chapter display at the Brooklin/Whitby Harvest Festival.
Giving thanks
Denis Flanagan CLD
LO Manager of Membership and Public Relations
As we celebrate the season of Thanksgiving, it seems fitting to recognize the amazing efforts that our members contribute to the well-being of our industry.
The last few weeks have been a whirlwind of events at Chapters (boy it’s tough to keep up with your enthusiasm!). The industry owes you an enormous thank you for the volunteer efforts across the province.
August rounded out with another successful Toronto Chapter baseball tournament and the Upper Canada Chapter golf tournament. Both these events really focus on involving and engaging the employees of member companies. These events are great ways to motivate your staff. It was just wonderful to see families out at these events, meeting each other in informal settings sharing challenges and lots of laughs.
The Ottawa Chapter held another successful golf event. Martha Walsh and the golf committee organized a fantastic event, complete with Senator bobbleheads offered up as prizes.
The Eastern Ontario enthusiasm continued with a member appreciation day, hosted by the Mulroney family at their business, Geosynthetics. This included a meeting to discuss plans for the exciting Home and Garden Show that will showcase our industry next March.
As we moved into September, the successful events continued. One highlight was the Durham Chapter involvement with the Brooklin/Whitby Harvest Festival, in which Permacon and the Chapter members combined to showcase our industry with a dynamite display beautified by colourful plant material from Kobes Nursery. The booth included a giant colouring board for kids. A big thank you goes to Kim Burton, LO’s art director, for creating the colouring sheet. It was a really a big hit. This was a great event that literally connected the dots. It also provided great exposure to the public. The display was recognized by several local politicians and many members of the Chapter had an opportunity to network.
Speaking of networking, Golden Horsehoe Chapter partnered with our trade show department at the brand new Thrive show. Again the focus was on involving and entertaining the hard working families that make this industry successful.
I’m writing this article just before I join the Waterloo and Toronto Chapters at the grand openings of another two spectacular outdoor classrooms and green spaces. We are now making plans to help all chapters with their goals for this fall and beyond.
It is amazing the impact that our chapters continue to have on local communities across this province. We will be formulating a new public relations strategy for 2016 to garner the recognition that you deserve.
Hope you find time to give thanks and enjoy your families this October.
Denis Flanagan can be reached at dflanagan@landscapeontario.com or at 905-875-1805, ext. 2303.
LO Manager of Membership and Public Relations

The last few weeks have been a whirlwind of events at Chapters (boy it’s tough to keep up with your enthusiasm!). The industry owes you an enormous thank you for the volunteer efforts across the province.
August rounded out with another successful Toronto Chapter baseball tournament and the Upper Canada Chapter golf tournament. Both these events really focus on involving and engaging the employees of member companies. These events are great ways to motivate your staff. It was just wonderful to see families out at these events, meeting each other in informal settings sharing challenges and lots of laughs.
The Ottawa Chapter held another successful golf event. Martha Walsh and the golf committee organized a fantastic event, complete with Senator bobbleheads offered up as prizes.
The Eastern Ontario enthusiasm continued with a member appreciation day, hosted by the Mulroney family at their business, Geosynthetics. This included a meeting to discuss plans for the exciting Home and Garden Show that will showcase our industry next March.
As we moved into September, the successful events continued. One highlight was the Durham Chapter involvement with the Brooklin/Whitby Harvest Festival, in which Permacon and the Chapter members combined to showcase our industry with a dynamite display beautified by colourful plant material from Kobes Nursery. The booth included a giant colouring board for kids. A big thank you goes to Kim Burton, LO’s art director, for creating the colouring sheet. It was a really a big hit. This was a great event that literally connected the dots. It also provided great exposure to the public. The display was recognized by several local politicians and many members of the Chapter had an opportunity to network.
Speaking of networking, Golden Horsehoe Chapter partnered with our trade show department at the brand new Thrive show. Again the focus was on involving and entertaining the hard working families that make this industry successful.
I’m writing this article just before I join the Waterloo and Toronto Chapters at the grand openings of another two spectacular outdoor classrooms and green spaces. We are now making plans to help all chapters with their goals for this fall and beyond.
It is amazing the impact that our chapters continue to have on local communities across this province. We will be formulating a new public relations strategy for 2016 to garner the recognition that you deserve.
Hope you find time to give thanks and enjoy your families this October.

Denis Flanagan can be reached at dflanagan@landscapeontario.com or at 905-875-1805, ext. 2303.