November 15, 2013

Have your say at LO’s AGM
LO members wishing to have a say concerning issues affecting the association, will have the opportunity at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Jan. 8, at the International Plaza Hotel, 655 Dixon Rd., Toronto.
Free breakfast is served, starting at 7:15 a.m. An RSVP is appreciated to Kathleen Pugliese at 905-875-1805, or 1-800-265-5656, ext. 309, or
The reminder postcard, shown here, is mailed as an insert with this issue.
Free breakfast is served, starting at 7:15 a.m. An RSVP is appreciated to Kathleen Pugliese at 905-875-1805, or 1-800-265-5656, ext. 309, or
The reminder postcard, shown here, is mailed as an insert with this issue.