October 9, 2018
In Memoriam - Angelo Risi

Those who knew Angelo will remember him as an innovator and inventor, but more importantly, as a gentleman, a family-man, and a warm, caring individual.
A co-founder of Risi Stone Systems, Angelo and his brother Tony were the true pioneers of the Segmental Retaining Wall (SRW) industry. Their success story started out in the early 1970s, as they developed and patented their first landscape wall product, the iconic Pisa Stone. By the late 1970s, the Risi brothers invested in a larger plant in nearby Gormley, Ont., and it was here that the flagship Pisa2 Wall System was born. In a few short years, these products became an enormous success, signaling the birth of Risi Stone Systems. Over the next two decades, the Risi brothers expanded their product line to create a wide range of new and innovative products and they enjoyed great success. In 1995 they sold their manufacturing facilities to Unilock and continued Risi Stone Systems as a licensing company. Many of the early relationships with manufacturers throughout North America remain strong to this day and the Risi Stone line of products continues to break new ground in the SRW industry.
Angelo will be missed immensely and a huge void has been left in all those who knew him. They may find comfort in take away lessons from their time with him: love of family, fairness in business, generosity, looking for the win-win scenario, staying young at heart and being always curious.
The Risi family welcomes donations to Community Living York South. See communitylivingyorksouth.ca.
Stories and messages about Angelo can also be shared online at catholic-cemeteries.com/obituary/angelo-risi/.