June 15, 2018

LO board looks to the future
Landscape Ontario’s Provincial Board of Directors have hired Nathan Helder and Southbrook Consulting to create a detailed strategic plan for the entire association.
Helder facilitated the planning and development of a strategic plan for LO’s Show Committee back in November 2016, of which Helder is the current chair.
During that process, the committee had to clearly define both the core values and purpose of Congress.
Helder says once those values were clearly defined, the question then became, “Do those values and goals align with those of the association, and what are the goals and values of Landscape Ontario?
This spring, all LO chapters, sector groups and home office staff were asked to complete a SWOT analysis without any facilitation by Helder, allowing input to be as candid as possible. As those are completed, Helder will then compile the information and summarize it on a one-page document as succinctly as possible.
Helder did facilitate one session with the LO past presidents, some of whom were involved in the last strategic planning session many years ago.
“I’m a big believer of respecting the past,” Helder explains, “but at the same time, we still need to move forward.”
The next step will involve gaining perspective via interviews with engaged volunteers and some of the LO staff, followed by the formation of a hand-picked strategic planning committee that will then spend a day or two to produce the final one-page document.
The result will be a updated long-term, association wide strategic plan that will clearly define the values and purpose of Landscape Ontario and its many efforts, initiatives and events.
The plan will also act as a guide the association will refer to on a regular basis to continually update and to keep on track.
Helder facilitated the planning and development of a strategic plan for LO’s Show Committee back in November 2016, of which Helder is the current chair.
During that process, the committee had to clearly define both the core values and purpose of Congress.
Helder says once those values were clearly defined, the question then became, “Do those values and goals align with those of the association, and what are the goals and values of Landscape Ontario?
This spring, all LO chapters, sector groups and home office staff were asked to complete a SWOT analysis without any facilitation by Helder, allowing input to be as candid as possible. As those are completed, Helder will then compile the information and summarize it on a one-page document as succinctly as possible.
Helder did facilitate one session with the LO past presidents, some of whom were involved in the last strategic planning session many years ago.
“I’m a big believer of respecting the past,” Helder explains, “but at the same time, we still need to move forward.”
The next step will involve gaining perspective via interviews with engaged volunteers and some of the LO staff, followed by the formation of a hand-picked strategic planning committee that will then spend a day or two to produce the final one-page document.
The result will be a updated long-term, association wide strategic plan that will clearly define the values and purpose of Landscape Ontario and its many efforts, initiatives and events.
The plan will also act as a guide the association will refer to on a regular basis to continually update and to keep on track.