February 26, 2024

LO Growers Group Newsletter - February 2024
1. IPM Workshops are here!
There is still room to register for the upcoming IPM workshops.- Tuesday, February 27 (8:30 a.m. to noon): Hampton Community Hall, Hampton (North of Bowmanville). Sponsored by Kobes Nurseries
- Wednesday, February 28 (8:30 a.m. to noon): Bethany Community Church, St. Catharines. Sponsored by J.C. Bakker & Sons
- Thursday, February 29 (8:30 a.m. to noon): Copetown Community Centre, Dundas. Sponsored by NVK Nurseries
2. Nursery Scout Program 2024
Time to sign up for a scout! Cost will be approximately $4,000 for weekly scouting (16 weeks), and $2,000 for every other week (eight weeks). We only have capacity for up to four-weekly or eight-fortnightly farms with the scout, and we are limiting the program to farms within a two hour radius drive from Guelph to ensure the scout has sufficient time at the farms and for the post-visit reporting. Contact Jeanine at jwest@landscapeontario.com if you’re interested before March 15.3. Invasive Species Update
On January 1, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) regulated additional plants under the Invasive Species Act. While most of the plants are not grown by our members, please note that none of the following may be propagated or traded in Ontario (including the entire genus where no species is indicated):- Flowering-rush (Butomus umbellatus)
- Eurasian Water-milfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum)
- African Oxygen Weed (Lagarosiphon major)
- Floating Primrose-willow (Ludwigia peploides)
- Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus altissima)
- Water ferns (Genus Azolla)
- Water mosses (Genus Salvinia)
4. Nursery Growers Short Course recap
We had a jam-packed room on February 7. Read Cassie’s summary. We are in the process of securing a larger venue for 2025.5. New federal “Forced Labour in Canadian Supply Chains” obligations
Businesses meeting two or more of the following criteria MUST report to the Minister of Public Safety by May 31 of each year to detail the steps taken in the prior year to prevent and reduce the risk that forced labour or child labour is used by them or in their supply chains:- $20 million or more in assets
- $40 million or more in revenue
- An average of 250 or more employees
6. CNLA Update
BTM Consultation:CFIA’s consultation on expanding the regulated area for BTM (RMD-23-05) beyond Ontario has now closed. Option 2 (regulate all provinces east of Ontario) was recommended by both CNLA and LO. See attached for the submissions from both associations. We hope to have an answer before the end of March, but the change to Directive D-22-04 depends on the Federal Minister of Agriculture (from P.E.I.) agreeing to the recommendation. Plan to renew your Preventative Control Plan/Pest Module just in case! In any event, maintaining the BMPs in the pest module will support our efforts to resume trade of boxwood with the U.S.
This report is provided by LO’s Grower Technical Analyst, Jeanine West.
Please contact Jeanine for more information: jwest@landscapeontario.com or 1-705-796-8812.
We need your feedback! If there are items you wish us to include in these updates, please let Jeanine know.
Please contact Jeanine for more information: jwest@landscapeontario.com or 1-705-796-8812.
We need your feedback! If there are items you wish us to include in these updates, please let Jeanine know.