March 15, 2013

LO Safety Group brings home top marks
The latest report card from the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board shows the Landscape Ontario Safety Group has achieved high marks on the Lost Time Severity Rate Report Card, compared with the rest of the agriculture industry.
Sally Harvey, CLP, CLT, LO’s manager of education and labour development, says that the report card is a true testimonial of the effectiveness of safety groups.
Gerald Boot CLP has been involved with the LO Safety Group since it began ten years ago. “This is a prime example of how an association benefits the industry,” he says. The association’s involvement with the safety group helped to solve a serious problem back in the late ‘90s when rates were too high.” Boot credits former safety manager Terry Murphy with pushing through the safety group to help improve the industry’s rate.
The improvement has been dramatic over the past three years, with 2012 seeing the largest drop. See right).
Data shows that the most common injuries are sprains, strains, tears, cuts, lacerations, non-specific injuries, punctures and tendonitis. The most common causes listed are bodily reaction, exertion, non-collision, struck by object and falling to floor, walkway or other surface.
The most common body parts injured are feet and ankles, knees, fingers and hands.
The LO Safety Group included 27 firms that provided 733.7 full-time employees with an accumulated 1,467,538 hours worked.
At a ceremony to celebrate the LO Safety Group’s 10th anniversary, it was announced that members would be sharing a group rebate cheque of nearly $60,000 from WSIB.
At that meeting Lawrence Medas, WSIB Safety Groups coordinator, stated, “We at WSIB appreciate the the partnership with Landscape Ontario. No doubt the safety group is way ahead of the pack in terms of the new introductions that have come and are coming from WSIB.”
Sally Harvey, CLP, CLT, LO’s manager of education and labour development, says that the report card is a true testimonial of the effectiveness of safety groups.
Gerald Boot CLP has been involved with the LO Safety Group since it began ten years ago. “This is a prime example of how an association benefits the industry,” he says. The association’s involvement with the safety group helped to solve a serious problem back in the late ‘90s when rates were too high.” Boot credits former safety manager Terry Murphy with pushing through the safety group to help improve the industry’s rate.
The improvement has been dramatic over the past three years, with 2012 seeing the largest drop. See right).
Data shows that the most common injuries are sprains, strains, tears, cuts, lacerations, non-specific injuries, punctures and tendonitis. The most common causes listed are bodily reaction, exertion, non-collision, struck by object and falling to floor, walkway or other surface.
The most common body parts injured are feet and ankles, knees, fingers and hands.
The LO Safety Group included 27 firms that provided 733.7 full-time employees with an accumulated 1,467,538 hours worked.
At a ceremony to celebrate the LO Safety Group’s 10th anniversary, it was announced that members would be sharing a group rebate cheque of nearly $60,000 from WSIB.
At that meeting Lawrence Medas, WSIB Safety Groups coordinator, stated, “We at WSIB appreciate the the partnership with Landscape Ontario. No doubt the safety group is way ahead of the pack in terms of the new introductions that have come and are coming from WSIB.”