April 28, 2022

Managing changing COVID-19 requirements
Workplace Safety and Prevention Services (WSPS) created a document to provide business with guidance on COVID-19 regulations in the spring of 2022.
"The COVID-19 pandemic created unique challenges for businesses and individuals around the world, but as the province lifts pandemic restrictions for public places, what are the workplace implications," The document states. "Will government restrictions for workplaces also ease? And if they do, should your workplace lift all its restrictions? Not necessarily. It’s not about throwing out the controls and processes you’ve put into place; it’s about merging them into a sustainable system. This way you have the flexibility to either ramp up again if COVID-19 case numbers increase and guidelines are reinstated, or to loosen restrictions further when Public Health gives the green light. Remember, loosening workplace restrictions requires thought and careful management. Before you decide what controls to lift, monitor changing requirements, consider your COVID-19 risks, how comfortable employees and customers will be with changes, whether pandemic controls offer other benefits to your workplace, and how you will communicate the changes."DOWNLOAD THE DOCUMENT