June 15, 2017
Members can get leads for free

Marketed by garden personality Frank Ferragine (aka Frankie Flowers), eLandscape is a spin-off of eRenovate — a service that connects homeowners with verified construction and home renovation professionals.
eLandscape is specific to the green profession, and allows a home or property owner to submit a project, including photos, videos, a description and estimated budget, directly from their smartphone or computer. Contractors who match up with the project (based on criteria specified at enrolment) are then notified of the project anonymously through the App and have the ability to respond to only the projects they like. A customized response can be included with the standard company profile and contact information that is sent back to the homeowner.
The homeowner then receives details from each of the verified landscape professionals who are interested in the job, and can compare them via company profile pages on the eLandscape website and the information included in responses. The profile pages on the website are set up and managed by each contractor, and can include photos and descriptions of jobs, details about the company and what qualifies them as a verified professional. The homeowner can then use the interface to request a call, email or meeting with those contractors they are most interested in.
The free subscription for LO members expires April 15, 2018. To enroll, a member must email eLandscape with their contact information and edit an existing list of services. For details, including a pre-populated email with the services list to edit, visit horttrades.com/elandscape.
Once the free subscription expires, no action is required by members if they do not wish to continue the service. They will not be charged, billed or automatically enrolled in the program. If members would like to continue using the service after April 15, 2018, they should contact eLandscape and pay the discounted LO member rate.