October 13, 2021

Plant Health Survey identifies promising global industry investment
The International Association of Horticultural Producers’ (AIPH) International Plant Health Survey 2021 reveals a promising bio-secure future for the ornamental horticulture industry.
The survey was conducted in early 2021 as part of the International Year of Plant Health 2020, and in response to growing concerns about biosecurity and the ornamental horticulture industry’s duty to sustainability.
The survey aimed to explore how industry organizations work to enhance plant biosecurity in their regions and share information to improve biosecurity within businesses and supply chains.
“The AIPH Plant Health survey is an important commitment of the global ornamental horticultural industry, which relies on international trade to contribute to the sustainability of its future in supporting plant health,” said Ralf Lopian, chair of the international steering committee, International Year of Plant Health 2020. “It is particularly essential to consider that prevention is a key aspect and more cost-effective than dealing with full-blown plant health emergencies. Plant pests and diseases do not respect national borders and do not show passports.”
Through the report, AIPH concluded that voluntary standards are increasingly relied upon by industry and regulators to reduce the risk posed by plant pests for national or international trade. Worldwide, 11 voluntary standards for plant health management were identified. The highest perceived level of threat from plant pests and diseases was the trade of live plants and cut flowers, with the second-highest level being identified as growing systems.
As well, AIPH found there is a basis for creating an international equivalence framework between standards.
AIPH aims to set up a Global Plant Health Forum to facilitate information sharing and the development of consistency across supply chains.