September 15, 2011

Over 200 visitors took advantage of the trial gardens open house.
Public wowed at trial gardens open house
Denis Flanagan CLD
Director of public relations and membership services
The partnership between Landscape Ontario and University of Guelph to develop the trial gardens on your Milton site has developed into a real success story.
Following the well-attended industry day on Fri., Aug. 12, we opened the gates to the general public on Sat. Over 200 garden enthusiasts stopped by to view the new varieties of perennials and annuals.
We made a point of surveying the attendees to determine the effectiveness of our advertising. We found that people came as a result of either seeing the advertisement in The Oakville Beaver, or Milton Champion, from reading the article in the Canada Blooms newsletter, or listening to 740 AM Zoomer radio, when I hosted the garden show for the vacationing Charlie Dobbin.
The trial garden open house had visitors from as far away as Picton, Buffalo and other locales in New York State. It was especially nice to see people from Sarnia make the trip, such as Jeff Boarscher, manager with De Groots Nurseries, with Adelle Richards, host of The Garden Show on CHOK Radio, along with horticulturalist Leann Crawford.
On site, we had the Milton Horticultural Society, the local chapter of Master Gardeners of Ontario and trial garden manager Rodger Tschanz from the University of Guelph, who answered questions about the garden and the many new introductions featured within.
Many people helped make the day a success, but as with all projects it takes a champion to pull it all together. A big thank-you goes to LO staffer Kathleen Pugliesi who was superb, as usual, looking after all the details. She managed at the same time to make sure she spent quality time with her family by bringing her daughter Michelle to help out at the event.
Not only are the trial gardens a great way to showcase the new varieties being introduced to the industry, but also another vehicle to promote Landscape Ontario, our members and our website to the consumer.
Denis Flanagan may be contacted at
Director of public relations and membership services

Following the well-attended industry day on Fri., Aug. 12, we opened the gates to the general public on Sat. Over 200 garden enthusiasts stopped by to view the new varieties of perennials and annuals.
We made a point of surveying the attendees to determine the effectiveness of our advertising. We found that people came as a result of either seeing the advertisement in The Oakville Beaver, or Milton Champion, from reading the article in the Canada Blooms newsletter, or listening to 740 AM Zoomer radio, when I hosted the garden show for the vacationing Charlie Dobbin.
The trial garden open house had visitors from as far away as Picton, Buffalo and other locales in New York State. It was especially nice to see people from Sarnia make the trip, such as Jeff Boarscher, manager with De Groots Nurseries, with Adelle Richards, host of The Garden Show on CHOK Radio, along with horticulturalist Leann Crawford.
On site, we had the Milton Horticultural Society, the local chapter of Master Gardeners of Ontario and trial garden manager Rodger Tschanz from the University of Guelph, who answered questions about the garden and the many new introductions featured within.
Many people helped make the day a success, but as with all projects it takes a champion to pull it all together. A big thank-you goes to LO staffer Kathleen Pugliesi who was superb, as usual, looking after all the details. She managed at the same time to make sure she spent quality time with her family by bringing her daughter Michelle to help out at the event.
Not only are the trial gardens a great way to showcase the new varieties being introduced to the industry, but also another vehicle to promote Landscape Ontario, our members and our website to the consumer.
Denis Flanagan may be contacted at