Sep 1, 2020
AAS fetes celosia and squash cultivars
All-America Selections, North America’s oldest non-profit plant trialing organization, announced two new AAS Winners for the 2021 garden season.
Jan 1, 2019
Quebec gardens recognized by AAS
Two Quebec gardens were among the winners of All-America Selections (AAS) 2018 Landscape Design Challenge.
Oct 1, 2018
AAS and PPA seek trial sites
In 2015, All-America Selections (AAS) in conjunction with the Perennial Plant Association (PPA), launched a new herbaceous perennial trial with five entries and corresponding comparisons currently planted and undergoing its third summer of evaluations.
Sep 1, 2018
AAS releases annual report
All-America Selections (AAS) released its 2017-2018 Annual Report reflecting the group’s recent activities.
Jun 1, 2018
AAS offers free POP kit
All-America Selections, in an effort to provide support to independent garden centre retailers, now has a Point-of-Purchase kit available free of charge to the first 100 requesting retailers.
Jan 1, 2018
Canadian gardens feted by AAS
In 2017, All-America Selections (AAS) challenged AAS Display Gardens to create designs based on the theme “Foodscaping — Interspersing Edibles in the Ornamental Garden.

Nov 1, 2017
AAS honours Vicky Rupley
All-America Selections recently honored Vicky Rupley of Rochester, N.Y.-based Harris Seeds with the AAS Medallion of Honour.