February 13, 2023
Upper Canada Chapter Meeting March 6, 2023
Mark March 6 in your calendar for the next event by Upper Canada Chapter.

Road safety presentation
Get your team ready and prepared to hit the road with insightful information from Tri-Shield Consulting.

Tri-Shield Consulting is comprised of three retired police Commercial Vehicle Inspectors (CVSA) with a combined 94 years of law enforcement experience and over 33 years of combined commercial vehicle enforcement, training and outreach.

Chapter AGM and board elections
If you are interested in becoming more active within the Upper Canada chapter, let your name stand as a new member on the chapter board.

Should you have any questions ahead of our AGM, please feel free to connect with a member of our current board:
Lisa Smith, Chapter President, 454smithy@gmail.com or 613-391-1276
Jesse Perrins, Chapter Past president, jesse@greenthings.net
Karri Bylsma, LO membership events specialist, kbylsma@landscapeontario.com

10:30am - 11:00am - registrations and refreshments
11:00am - 11:45am - AGM/chapter business
11:45am - Lunch
12:15pm - Tri Shield Presentation

Register now and let your voice be heard!