January 15, 2016
Inaugural Georgian Lakelands Awards of Distinction a big hit

Andrew Beattie CIT, of Ideal Landscape Services in Barrie, was voted Best LO Chapter Boss.
It was a fun-filled evening in Orillia at the Highwayman Inn on Nov. 26, when Chapter members enjoyed spending time with friends and associates, ate wonderful food and tipped a glass to another wonderful, albeit crazy, year in the landscape trade.
This event saw hardware handed out to some of the hardworking members of the Chapter. The inaugural Awards of Distinction night was attending by nearly 50 people, who voted online for their favourite suppliers, salespeople, bosses and volunteers. The awards were presented by board members and the ever-popular Denis Flanagan from home office.
Lexi Dearborn and Membership and Chapter Coordinator Rachel Cerelli tallied all the votes and the winners of the awards are: Hardscape Material Supplier , Cast-n-Stone; Plant Material Supplier, Solty Garden Centre; Equipment and Accessory Supplier, Aquascape; Best Supplier to the Landscape Trades, Cast-n-Stone; Best LO Chapter Boss, Andrew Beattie; Best Salesperson, Debbie Wood; Chapter Volunteer of the Year, Jeff Lee.
“Congratulations go out to all the winners and nominees and a special thank you to Cast-n-Stone for sponsoring the evening’s events,” said Dearborn.
Keep your eye out for next year’s nominations on the Georgian Lakelands Facebook page and cast your vote for your favourites in our industry.
Laurie-Ann Stuart, Chapter treasurer and MC for the evening, said, “It was nice to have the LO photographer Robert Ellidge snapping away at the event. He captured some wonderful moments that many of us will cherish for years to come. Many of the photos are posted on the Georgian Lakelands Facebook page.
Dearborn said, “Congratulations to the winners and to the Chapter Board for hosting such an outstanding event.”