September 13, 2022

Weather service to be included with LO membership
Landscape Ontario has partnered with KSMI Weather to provide all members with hyper-local weather data, real-time threat alerts, plus access to hundreds of provincial/municipal road weather systems. You will be informed with the right information to make the right decisions at the right time. Access will be provided to all LO Members beginning Nov. 1, 2022.
The idea to provide a weather service to members originated with the LO Snow and Ice Management Sector Group. An agreement was negotiated with KSMI Weather to provide all members with the service at an annual cost of $40 per member. The Landscape Ontario Board of Directors approved the agreement at its August meeting.
Since 2014, KSMI Weather has been a private weather leader for a variety of industries, including public works departments, property maintenance, snow removal, transportation, education, agriculture, and special events (such as sports, concerts, festivals, parades). Features include:
Client portal
The KSMI client portal is your one-stop-shop for all weather data. Accessible on all devices, including mobile, the portal contains all of our weather information at your fingertips: the latest forecast updates, interactive radar, mapping tools, weather alerts, live cameras, road surface conditions and more are always just a click away.Real-time alerts
Get push notifications (SMS/Email) to anyone on your team when short-fuse threats such as lightning, strong winds, hail, or rain are approaching an event.Plan ahead
The App’s forecast discussions, site-specific hourly and day-part forecast, and map products give you the data you need to effectively anticipate weather risks and plan ahead.Email updates
Email updates include detailed forecasts for your event, and a human-written discussion surrounding the forecast.Archive and reports
Weather data from your event can be logged, exported, or documented for various reports, including evidence for insurance in the event of damage or loss.Hyper-local data
KSMI Weather collects site-specific weather data using its sensor network.“I could not run my business without KSMI — they save us so much money on labour, and wasted time. It takes all the guesswork out.”
— Ed Hansen, Hansen Lawn & Gardens
Details on how to access the new service will be sent to all members by email and via LO’s weekly Enews in the coming weeks.