May 8, 2023

Pond water quality fact sheets
Want to know what to do about your pond water quality?
Sometimes your pond just doesn’t have the best water for irrigating your crops. It could be full of algae and other organisms that clog your intake lines, or it could have contaminants that aren’t ideal for your crops, or it could even be just aesthetically not nice to look at!
Dr. Jeanine West (PhytoServ) has just wrapped up a project evaluating treatment technologies to manage water quality, including pre-pond and in-pond options.
Pre-pond treatments included modified woodchip beds and hybrid treatment systems for removing nutrients from nursery production runoff water, while in-pond trials of covers (bird balls, hyacinths, and solid covers), aeration and nanobubblers, sonication and chemical treatments to bind phosphorus and degrade organic matter in the sediment.
COHA Final Technical Report
Fact sheet A: Aquatic Vegetation
Fact sheet B: Hybrid Treatment Swales
Fact sheet C: Aeration Options
Fact sheet D: Sonication
Fact sheet E: Covering Your Pond
All Fact Sheets (A-E)
Dr. Jeanine West (PhytoServ) has just wrapped up a project evaluating treatment technologies to manage water quality, including pre-pond and in-pond options.
Pre-pond treatments included modified woodchip beds and hybrid treatment systems for removing nutrients from nursery production runoff water, while in-pond trials of covers (bird balls, hyacinths, and solid covers), aeration and nanobubblers, sonication and chemical treatments to bind phosphorus and degrade organic matter in the sediment.
COHA Final Technical Report
Fact sheet A: Aquatic Vegetation
Fact sheet B: Hybrid Treatment Swales
Fact sheet C: Aeration Options
Fact sheet D: Sonication
Fact sheet E: Covering Your Pond
All Fact Sheets (A-E)
A series of quick-read fact sheets were produced, as well as a technical summary report of the project findings. See the links below for these materials; additional information and webinars about the project can be found at