
Oct 15, 2011
Landscape Ontario Chapter Golf Tournaments 2011
A photo recap of this year's golf tournaments.

Aug 15, 2011
Members show off at Gardens of Distinction Tour
With the temperatures reaching into the high 20s, it was a beautiful day on July 9 for the 3rd annual Gardens of Distinction Tour in London.

Jun 15, 2011
London Chapter ends season with mini-trade show
Final meeting for the season took place in March in the form of a mini-trade show, featuring local suppliers to the trade.

May 15, 2011
The power of local marketing
The Sarnia Home Show does an amazing job at attracting visitors who are anxious to renovate their homes and start a landscaping project.
Mar 15, 2011
London Chapter meeting attracts 40 members
The February London Chapter meeting attracted over 40 members, who enjoyed a luncheon, followed by two guest speakers.

Mar 15, 2011
London Chapter garden showcased at home show
The London Chapter’s involvement in the 18th annual Lifestyles Show was front and centre this year.

Jan 15, 2011
Brian Lofgren celebrating his fourth year as Congress chair
Brian Lofgren didn’t wait too long after becoming a member of Landscape Ontario, to take on a volunteer position in the association.
Dec 15, 2010
London Chapter members learn about new trends in hardscapes
Members of the London Chapter of Landscape Ontario learned something about the latest trends in hardscapes and permeable pavers from John Lavoie, territory manager for Unilock.