
Aug 15, 2012
London Chapter members showcase their talent in garden tour
For the fourth consecutive year, members of the London Chapter invited the public to see first-hand what a professionally designed and installed garden looks like.

Jun 15, 2012
Pride and passion are keys to 80 years at Moore Water Gardens
Moore Water Gardens in Port Stanley is celebrating 80 years of business success over three generations.
Jun 15, 2012
Kimmick Landscaping donates service
Michael Martins of Kimmick Landscaping in London, has donated a great deal of lawn and garden maintenance and landscaping service to community buildings, schools and churches.

Apr 15, 2012
Public profile for our members
One of our member benefit public relations goals for 2012 is to integrate our media messaging at the Chapter level with the work of our members.
Mar 14, 2012
Klomp’s Landscaping helps students
Member supports outdoor classroom project of St. Marys District Collegiate and Vocational Institute.

Jan 15, 2012
Gerwin Bouman believes in value of LO association work
President of Stam Nurseries in Burgessville, Gerwin Bouman’s volunteer work with Landscape Ontario began in 2006 when he went on the annual growers’ tour.
Jan 15, 2012
Allens busy beyond their business
Bob and Ruby Allen of RW Allen Horticultural Services in St. Thomas have been involved in Arbor Week for many years.

Nov 15, 2011
City and London Chapter join to create living memorial to Canada's war veterans
A highway in London has become a living memorial to Canada's war veterans.