Feb 15, 2011
Toronto Chapter Green for Life initiative will provide garden at Sick Kids Hospital
Patients at Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto will have the opportunity to experience the joy of being in a garden, thanks to the efforts of the Toronto Chapter.
Nov 15, 2010
Emerald ash borer now in Wellington County
The emerald ash borer is quickly spreading throughout Ontario and Quebec.
Nov 15, 2010
LO Movember team formed
Ryan Heath has registered an LO team for Movember, an awareness campaign which also acts as a fund-raiser for Prostate Cancer Canada.
Oct 15, 2010
Dutch designer wows crowd with lecture on artistry with bulbs
Dutch landscape designer Jacqueline van der Kloet captivated her audience of 275 attendees at the Toronto Botanical Garden on Sept. 16.

Oct 15, 2010
Members help Jason’s wish come true
Members of Landscape Ontario and the community of Stouffville joined forces with Make-A-Wish Canada to fulfill a young boy’s dream of having an outdoor space to relax and spend quality time with his family.

Sep 15, 2010
Cities across province fight emerald ash borer
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has confirmed the presence of the emerald ash borer (EAB) in two new areas in Ontario.

Sep 15, 2010
Two LO chapters enjoy ball tournaments
The 2010 LO baseball season included two tournaments, with Waterloo Chapter holding its event on Aug. 22 at the Bloomingdale ball fields, while the Toronto Chapter enjoyed a day on the diamonds on Aug. 15 in Richmond Hill.